(with Nora Waitkus) Legitimate Wealth? How Wealthy Business Owners are Portrayed in the Press, DGS Conference (26.-30.09.2022).
(with Lara Minkus) Gender Trouble in Europe. When gender equality polarizes (and when it doesn’t), DGS Conference (26.-30.09.2022).
(with Ann-Kathrin Reinl) All for one, and one for all? Analysing party positions on EU solidarity in Germany in pandemic times, ECPR General Conference (22.-26.08.2022).
(with Kavyanjali Kaushik) One conflict, two public spheres, three national debates? Comparing patterns of value conflict over judicial independence in Europe across print media and social
media, ECPR General Conference (22.-26.08.2022).
Zur Konstruktion der EU als Wertegemeinschaft in Krisenzeiten, joint conference of the DGS sections ‚Sociology of Europe‘ and ‚Cultural Sociology‘ „Kulturelle Konflikte in und um Europa“, FAU
Erlangen-Nürnburg (07.-08.07.2022).
Welche Herausforderungen und Chancen stellen sich bei einer vergleichenden Länder- und sozialen Medienanalyse? Einblicke aus dem ValCon-Forschungsprojekt, CSS-Kolloquium, Universität
Hildesheim (02.12.2021).
(with Monika Verbalyte, Monika Eigmüller) Analyzing value conflicts in European countries: Insights from the ValCon research project, ICES Research Colloquium, Europa-Universität
Flensburg (25.11.2021).
(with Kavyanjali Kaushik, Monika Verbalyte, Aleksandra Sojka) Value conflicts through social media? Analyzing co-authorship patterns and the framing of value research in social sciences
(1943-2020), ECPR General Conference (30.08.-03.09.2021).
(with Eloisa Harris, Raphaela Hobbach, Anna Kyriazi, Christopher Starke) New Political Conflicts in the COVID-19 Crisis? Analysing Governmental Communication in Six EU-Countries,
27th CES Conference (21.-25.06.2021).
(with Nora Waitkus) Legitimate Wealth? How Wealthy Germans are Portrayed in the Press, 27th CES Conference (21.-25.06.2021).
Neue politische Konflikte in der Covid-19-Krise? Eine Analyse der Regierungskommunikation in sechs EU-Ländern, DGS-Sektionskonferenz Europasoziologie „Europa uneins.
Solidaritätskonflikte im europäischen Integrationsprozess“, Universität Magdeburg (18.-19.03.2021).
Über was spricht die Politischen Theorie? Eine Netzwerkanalyse der Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie
(2010-2019),Kolloquium “Politische Theorie”von Prof. Martin
Nonhoff, Universität Bremen (17.11.2020).
(with Franziska Ziegler)Communicating the COVID-19 crisis: the role of party ideology and
EU membership for the framing of solidarity in Ireland and New Zealand EU membership for the framing of solidarity in Ireland and New
Zealand,Forschungskolloquium von Prof. Mauricio Bach, Europa-Universität Flensburg (10.11.2020).
Solidarity in Public Discourse. Workshop 'Solidarity Conflicts in the EU: Crisis or Resource?', FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (04.02.2020).
(with Marianne Kneuer) Conceptualising Political Solidarity, Refuge Europe – a question of solidarity?, University of Chemnitz (01.-02.10.2019).
The transnationalization of the European parliamentary elections? Actor visibility and issue-framing in transnational media in 2019, author's workshop 'Die Europawahl 2019,
University of Duisburg-Essen (23.-24.09.2019).
(with Marianne Kneuer) Conceptualising Solidarity: A Four-Dimensional Approach, 13th ECPR general conference, University of Wrocław (04.-07.09.2019).
The transnationalization of the European parliamentary elections? Actor visibility and issue-framing in transnational media in 2019, 13th ECPR general conference, University of
Wrocław (04.-07.09.2019).
Die diskursive Konstruktion von Solidarität in Europa in Krisenzeiten, Institutskolloquium Sozialwissenschaften, University of Hildesheim (09.05.2019).
Contested Solidarity in the Euro crisis and Europe’s migration crisis. A Discourse Network Analysis, DVPW-Sektionskonferenz ‘Governance of Big Transformations, HfP/Technical
University Munich, (21.-23.03.2019).
The Discursive Construction of Solidarity and Europe's Migration Crisis. Workshop 'Doing Democracy? Democracy and Populism in the EU after the "Refugee Crisis", CAS/LMU Munich
The Discursive Construction of Solidarity in Europe's Migration Crisis. Workshop ‘Understanding Solidarity’, University of Hamburg (25-27.01.2019).
The Discursive Construction of Solidarity and Europe's Migration Crisis. Refugees, Borders and Membership, Malmö University (24-26.10.2018).
The Rise and Fall of an Idea: Analyzing Notions of Solidarity in the Euro Crisis and Europe's Migration Crisis in German Discourse Networks. 12th ECPR general conference, University
of Hamburg (22.-25.08.2018).
Scales and Notions of Solidarity in Europe's Migration Crisis. 12th ECPR general conference, University of Hamburg (22.-25.08.2018).
Relations matter. Discourses as Networks. The case of the solidarity discourse in the Euro crisis, workshop ‚Methoden der multi-modalen Diskursforschung‘, University of Magdeburg
Framing Solidarity in the Euro crisis: A Comparison of the German and Irish media discourse, joint BIGSSS/InIIS field a-colloquium, University of Bremen (15.05.2018).
Austerität vs. Solidarität? Eine Diskursnetzwerkanalyse für Deutschland und Irland während der Eurokrise, Conference "Nachbeben. Zehn Jahre Finanzkrise und ihre Auswirkungen in
Deutschland und Europa", Schader-Stiftung Darmstadt (22.-23.02.2018).
The failure and success of an idea: Explaining the role of solidarity in the Euro crisis and Europe's migration crisis by applying a discourse network analysis, joint
InIIS/BIGSSS field a-colloquium, University of Bremen (11.12.2017).
Contested Solidarity in the 'Eurozone Crisis'. Comparing the Discourses in Germany and Ireland from 2010 to 2015, DVPW-Section-Conference „Internationale Politik“,
University of Bremen (04.-06.10.2017).
Contested Solidarity in the Eurozone Crisis. Comparing the Discourses in Germany and Ireland from 2010 to 2015, SPIRe Seminar Series, University College Dublin (27.09.2017)
Contested Solidarity in the Eurozone Crisis. Comparing the German and Irish Discourse from 2010 to 2015, 11th ECPR general conference, University of Oslo (06.-09.09.2017).
Contested solidarity in Europe's migration crisis. Insights into the German and Irish discourse, Brown Bag Seminar, Maynooth University (07.12.2016)
Contested Solidarity in the Refugee Crisis. Comparing the German and Irish discourse, Solidarity in Open Societies (SOLIOS) Conference, Munich (18-19.10.206).
The Politics of Solidarity: Who says what, when and how in the ‘refugee crisis’ in Europe?, IPSA 24th World Congress of Political Science, Poznan (23.-28.07.2016).
Solidarity with whom and how? Insights from the ‚Refugee Crisis‘ discourse in Ireland and Germany, Europeanisation vs. Renationalisation: Crisis Lessons for European Political
Development, CEuS-Netzwerk-Konferenz, University of Bremen (30.06.-01.07.2016).
The Politics of Solidarity: Who says what, when and how in the 'Refugee Crisis' discourse, BIGSSS field a-colloquium, University of Bremen (28.06.2016).
Studying the Politics of Solidarity from a Discourse Network Perspective, n(sna)-colloquium "qualitative and quantitative approaches to social network analysis", University of Bremen
award "best presentation" - Understanding Discourse (and) Network Analysis, "Convince us"-Session, hosted by ECPR Standing Group on Political Methodo-logy, 5th ECPR
Winter School in Methodes and Techniques, University of Bamberg (26.-04.03.2016).
Chantal Mouffe und die Institutionenfrage. Eine widerspenstige Zähmung?, colloquium “Political Theory” by Prof. Martin Nonhoff, University of Bremen (19.01.2016).
Contested Concepts of Solidarity. Towards a Theoretical Clarification, 4th Tag der Politikwissenschaft (ÖGPW), University of Salzburg (27.-28.11.2015).
Contested Concepts of Solidarity. Towards a Theoretical Clarification, CEuS-colloquium by Prof. Ulrike Liebert, University of Bremen (27.10.2015).
The Politics of Solidarity in Times of Crisis. 7th Napoko Colloquium, University of Münster (11.-13.06.2015).
The Politics of Solidarity in Times of Crisis. A Discourse Network Analysis (proposal defense), BIGSSS field a-colloquium, University of Bremen (21.04.2015).
Ein sozialwissenschaftliches Kosmopolitismusmodell. DVPW-Section-Conference „Internationale Politik“, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (25.-27.09.2014).
Anmerkungen zur “postpolitischen Stadt”. Oder: Mit Mouffe gegen Mouffe, colloquium DNGPS-study group “Political Theory”, University of Kassel (23.-24.05.2014).
Cosmopolitanism – an alternative to Global Governance? A proposal for a new theoretical model. 1st IAPSS World Congress „The Limits to Global Governance“, Thessaloniki,
Greece (01.-03.04.2014).
(with Janosik Herder): Das Weltsozialforum – kosmopolitischer oder subversiver Akteur? 4th student sociology congress „Krisen, Prozesse, Potenziale“, University of Bamberg
Das Unbehagen am Kosmopolitismus. Ist eine raumtheoretische Ergänzung sinnvoll?, colloquium „Political Theory“ by Prof. Martin Nonhoff, University of Bremen (02.07.2013).
Agonale Demokratie und Rassismus? Oder: Mit Mouffe gegen Mouffe. student conference „Demokratie – das klappt wohl nie?!“, University of Bremen (28.06.2013).
Kosmopolitische Normen in der Öffentlichkeit? Eine Analyse deutsch-sprachiger Tageszeitungen. Graduate Conference „Innovative Demokratieforschung“ in Vienna (21.06.2013).
Kosmopolitismus von unten? Zur Verankerung kosmopolitischer Normen in deutschsprachigen Tageszeitungen. 9th „Düsseldorfer Forum Politische Kommunikation (DFPK)“, University of
Düsseldorf (11.-13.04.2013).
Segregation und Marginalisierung in der Stadt. Das Beispiel Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte. 9th social anthropolgy student symposium „Stadt, Land, Fluss, Kultur“, University of Hamburg
Conference activities
Bauer, Mareike /Wallaschek, Stefan. Co-Chair “Influence and visibility in gendered public spheres”, ECPG Conference (08.-10.07.2024), accepted.
Discussant, Book Launch “Börner/Carlson (2023): Europasoziologie. Nomos”, Europa-Universität Flensburg (17.11.2023).
Discussant, Book Launch “Tava/Quenivet (2023) European Solidarity. ECPR Press”, Czech
Academy of Sciences (06.09.2023)
Wallaschek, Stefan / Thijssen, Peter. Co-Chair / Co-Discussant “Comparative Politics of Solidarity in Europe I+II” (double panel), ECPR General Conference (04.-08.09.2023).
Discussant, Social Investment Working Group, EUI Colloquium (15.03.2023).
Wallaschek, Stefan / Schünemann, Wolf. Co-Chair / Co-Discussant “Digital political communication from a network perspective”, ECPR General Conference (22.-26.08.2022).
Discussant, panel “Revisiting the role of identities in the context of polarization”, ECPR General Conference (22.-26.08.2022).
Reinl, Ann-Kathrin / Wallaschek, Stefan. Co-Chair / Co-Discussant „„Redistributive Politics and the question of Social Europe in years of turmoil“, 28. DVPW Kongress (14.-16.09.2021).
Chair “Value Conflicts in a Differentiated Europe and Beyond: Value Polarisation and the Digital Media”, discussant: Celiné Teney, 27. CES Conference (21.-25.06.2021).
Hobbach, Raphaela / Reinl, Ann-Katrhin / Wallaschek, Stefan. Co-Chair, double panel “New Perspectives on Solidarity in Europe in Times of Crisis”, discussant: Irina Ciornei &
Ann-Kathrin Reinl, DVPW-Sektionskonferenz ‘Governance of Big Transformations, HfP/Technical University Munich, (21.-23.03.2019).
Harris, Eloisa / Wallaschek, Stefan / Kuisma, Mikko. Co-Chair, double panel “European Welfare States after Crisis: Actor Centred Approaches to the Politics of Exclusive Solidarity”,
discussant: Eva-Maria Euchner & Eloisa Harris, DVPW-Sektionskonferenz ‘Governance of Big Transformations, HfP/Technical University Munich, (21.-23.03.2019).
Busen, Andreas / Wallaschek, Stefan. organisation of the workshop “Understanding Solidarity – New Approaches, New Challenges”, University of Hamburg (25.-27.01.2019).
Wallaschek, Stefan / Busen, Andreas. Co-Chair & discussant, Panel “Contested Solidarity – Between Universalism and Particularism”, ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg
Chair, Panel "Contested Solidarities in Europe", discussant: Zsófia S. Ignácz, DVPW-Section-Conference „Internationale Politik“, University of Bremen (04.-06.10.2017).
Chair, Panel "EU Migration & Asylum Policies", discussant: Daniele Saracino, DVPW-Section-Conference „Internationale Politik“, University of Bremen (04.-06.10.2017).
Wallaschek, Stefan / Wolkenhauer, Anna. Co-Chair, Panel "The Externalisation Society in Global Politics", discussant: Stephan Lessenich, DVPW-Section-Conference „Internationale
Politik“, University of Bremen (04.-06.10.2017).
Chair, Panel “Left/Right Party Populism in Europe: Same same but Different?", discussant: Michelle Hollman, ECPR General Conference, University of Oslo (06.-09.09.2017).
member of the organizing team of the 6th DNGPS-conference "Gefährdete Konstellationen” & Chair Panel 3 "Ökonomie des Prekären" und Panel 7 "Gefährdete Mobilität und
Migration", Humboldt University of Berlin (22.-24.03.2017).
Chair & Discussant, Panel “Voluntary and Involuntary Migration” (RC14 Politics and Ethnicity), IPSA 24th World Congress of Political Science, Poszan (23.-28.07.2016).
Co-Chair & Co-Discussant (with Christian Schimpf) Panel 3.3: Globale Normen, Ideen, Kritik, 4th Tag der Politikwissenschaft (ÖGPW), University of Salzburg (27.-28.11.2015).
member of the organizing team of the 4th DNGPS-conference on "Herrschaft & Widerstand", & Chair Panel 3: Globale Herrschaftsverhältnisse, University of Kassel
discussant „Über die Anschlussfähigkeit studentischer Forschung“. 2nd DNGPS conference „Politische Soziologie: Eine Bestandsaufnahme“, University of Würzburg (07.07.2012).