Research Interests

Solidarity Research

Solidarity is one of the crucial ideas in contemporary politics and society. I am interested in what solidarity means, why it is a crucial value and guiding principle in political and societal relations and how it changed and transformed in contemporary societies. I predominantly analyse the discursive construction of solidarity in public discourses, but recently expanded my view by looking at party positions and governmental communication in times of crisis. 

Political Communication

Communication processes lay at the heart of my research interests. How political actors articulate their ideas, frame their political actions and legitimate their decisions are crucial questions in order to study political processes. I focus on offline and online political communication and how instiutional and non-institutional actors shape public discourses. By doing so, I mainly investigate these issues from a comparative and transnational perspective.

European Politics

The European sphere plays a crucial role in the political decision-making process in European countries. The public visibility and relevance of European politics increased in and after the multiple crises in Europe(EU. I am interested how European politics is shaped, influenced and translated into national political systems. Thereby, political communication processes plays a central role which I analyse more closely.


Discourse Networks

Networks and any kinds of relation play an increasing role in contemporary politics and societies and for me, it is fascinating to learn more about network science. Nonetheless, I do not consider myself as a network scientist and rather see me on the 'applicant side' of social and discourse network analysis. In my research, networks serve as an analytical tool to study political and societal aspects that I am interested in.